Good news for a champ: Wife gives birth in morning, he scores goal in evening

For the entirety of his life, Crew Corbett Carlo will forever commemorate his birthday with the awareness that on the very day he was born, his father clinched a playoff goal. This moment will remain etched in Brandon Carlo’s memory indefinitely.

The absence of the Boston defenseman from his team’s morning session on Monday was for an extraordinary reason—his wife, Mayson, gave birth to their second child, a son, at approximately 3 a.m. Following a swift journey on a private jet and a brief rest at 40,000 feet, Carlo made it to the arena just in time to contribute a goal and aid the Bruins in their 5-1 victory over the Florida Panthers.Expressing his gratitude, Carlo remarked, “So thankful. So proud of my wife as well.”

The goal scored in Game 1 against the Panthers, coupled with the win, marked the conclusion of an eventful 48 hours for Carlo. He had previously assisted David Pastrnak’s series-winning goal in overtime against Toronto, securing a 2-1 victory in Game 7 of the first-round matchup on Saturday night.

  • Bruins' defenceman Brandon Carlo's day: Wife gives birth in morning, he scores goal in evening

Following the triumph in Game 7, Carlo received news that his wife was on her way to the hospital to deliver their son. Despite Crew’s apparent obliviousness to his father’s impending game, the couple eagerly awaited his arrival throughout Sunday. Carlo shared, “We sped it up as fast as we could…whatever we could do to get that baby out of there.”

In the early hours of Monday, doctors determined it was time, and Crew entered the world approximately 30 minutes later. Carlo touched down in South Florida around 5:30 p.m., arriving at the rink after his teammates, yet still managed to be in the lineup for the 8 p.m. game. The goal he scored held special significance, as it was assisted by Charlie Coyle—a fitting connection as it was C.C. setting up a goal by C.C.C.’s new dad.Reflecting on the moment, Carlo expressed, “We liked all the C’s involved in the name and C.C. passed me the puck tonight. Pretty cool.”

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